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'To the Future' 2025 IPPS New Zealand Conference - New Plymouth

'To the Future' 2025 IPPS New Zealand Conference - New Plymouth

8 May 2025 - 11 May 2025

'To the Future' 2025 IPPS New Zealand Conference - New Plymouth

‘To the Future’ is the theme of the IPPS Conference being held at the Plymouth International Hotel in New Plymouth from May 8th – 11th 2025.

The 2025 IPPS International tour hosted by the New Zealand region concludes with the IPPS conference which gives those attending a great opportunity to meet and learn from leading growers and researchers from the United States, United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia.

We have two pre tours organised for you to spend some more time in Taranaki. Pre tour one heads to Southern Taranaki to visit Hollard Gardens, Stratford Plateau and Lake Rotokare. Pre tour two joins in the with the international tour as they visit Waitara Marae for a formal Maori welcome and powhiri before heading to Pukeiti, the internationally renown garden located on the slopes of Mount Taranaki.

Conference kicks off on the evening of Thursday 8th May with a light meal, the introduction of this year six pack and entertainment in the form of renowned Chinese comedian hypnotist Haiming Jiang.

Friday morning will see the conference officially opened by the Mayor of New Plymouth, Neil Holdom before presentations and lunch at the hotel. There will also be a poster session. The afternoon visits take us to Acers Unlimited, Lowlands and Michelsens Tree Nursery. We’ll return to the Plymouth International Hotel in plenty of time for you to get ready for the formal dinner being held at the hotel which will include the presentation of awards.

More presentations follow on the Saturday morning and the AGM before the field trip heads to Magnolia Grove, Woodleigh Nursery and on more to be confirmed. The evening dinner and auction at the Plymouth International has the dress up theme of ‘Team Colours’ so come dressed in your favourite team colours.
Sunday will see more presentations and a panel on 'Succession planning in nurseries'  before the conference closes with lunch.

Click here to register online today
Registration closes Friday 25th April 2025 - don't miss out!
Click on downloads below for pre tour information, accommodation and conference scholarship details

Speakers (as of 19th February 2025) 

Jim Rumbal (NZ) Dwarf conifers|
Vance Hooper (NZ) Magnolias
James Robbins and Dr. Joe Mari Maja (USA) Drone applications for nurseries
Charlie Hall (USA) Economic Trends and Benchmarking
Erik Runkle (USA) LED lighting
Christine Coker (USA) Garden Trends for the future
Phil Gould (NZ) Biostimulants
Tom Saunders (USA) Topic TBC
Bob Geneve (USA) Geophytes
Roberto Lopez (USA) Climate Control for Propagation
Paul Millen (NZ) ‘Improving eucalypt hardwood genetics to diversify NZ’s forestry and timber futures’
Christian Hanson (NZ) ‘Partnering with an end user to develop a propagation product’

Poster presentations

Paul Fisher (USA) ‘Greenhouse Training Online to retain, motivate, and upskill your staff’
Celina Gómez (USA) ‘Propagate hard-to-root plants with vertical indoor propagation under LEDs’
Charlie Smith (USA) ‘Prevent chlorosis and purpling under LED Supplemental Lighting”
Roberto Lopez (USA) ‘Heat your root zone in winter when air temperatures are low’
Tom Fernandez (USA)‘Recycle greenhouse water with bioreactors to remove pesticides and nutrients’
John Lea-Cox (USA) ‘New Online Advanced Irrigation Management Course’

A big thank you to these sponsors for their support of the IPPS conference.
There are still opportunities to sponsor so please contact Dave Harris dave.h@waimea.group for further information.  

Daltons Ltd
Horticentre Trust

Waimea Group


Advanced Horticulture
Canterbury Landscape Supplies
Egmont Commercial Ltd
Hayes Wholesale/Cowpower
Lifetech Laboratories
Pillar Tools
TNZ Growing Products

Apex Greenhouses Ltd
Harvest Horticulture
Netafilm New Zealand
Taranaki Regional Council


Reference Publishing Company
Redpath Greenhouses

Event Details

Please click on the tabs below to view relevant event information.

Pre conference tour information

