'New Life' IPPS Conference - Christchurch 2016
The 2016 New Zealand region conference is being held in Christchurch from April 21st - 24th 2016. There has been a change of venue - it will now be held at the Rydges Latimer.
It is also New Zealand's turn to host the International Board meeting and tour so there will be a number of International delegates in attendance making it a conference not to miss.
Plans are still coming together but there will be field trip visits to Elliotts, Zealandia, Broadfield Garden and the Christchurch Botanic Gardens - specifically the new visitors centre and glasshouses.
There will also be a pre tour covering the lower part of the South Island including Christchurch, Dunedin, Invercargill and Queenstown visiting nurseries and a number of tourist attractions. The proposed dates are April 8th - 21st but this has not been finalised yet. A post conference tour is also being considered for the South Auckland, Bay of Plenty and Waikato regions.